Student Life

Student Life at Willow is dedicated to building and fostering community within The Willow School student body! We create and execute events that build school pride and spirit, and we love to design collaboration opportunities so that every program at The Willow School will be able to shine! From Spirit Week to school dances to graduation
celebrations, The Willow Student Life organization is there to make sure that all our Willow lions have a chance to roar!

Nearly every Willow student is involved in extracurricular activities – arts, athletics, or one of the many clubs/student organizations. The different activities and events are aimed at enabling students to develop their interests beyond the classroom and in many cases in the larger community. Because of the hard-working nature of our diverse student body, systems are in place to help students balance their combined responsibilities in arts, academics, athletics, and other extracurricular activities.

In exciting Student Life news, our 2022 Robotics team won first place at the Robotics State Championship. The team also took home the Design Award for engineering excellence and they set a new state record high score in points scored.

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